About Me

Hi I am Thomas Chimbault :wave:,
I try to maximize my learning area by working on projects that are challenging and require me to learn new things. I am about to graduate from a Master’s in Cognitive Neuroscience and Computer Science from Bordeaux INP in France. I love the research world and my main topics deals with AI/ML and more specifically about transformers and LLMs for the moment. I am also interested in the intersection of AI and Neuroscience and how we can leverage the knowledge of the brain to improve AI models. Next to this, I also play oboe and piano.

Don’t hesitate to reach me out if you want to discuss about any of these topics or if you just want to chat !

Research Intern, CEA Paris-Saclay (DSCIN team), France

April 2024 — September 2024

CEA Paris-Saclay is the largest research center in Europe in many fields, including information technology. I joined the DSCIN team, which primarily focuses on building high-performance integrated information processing architectures and systems.

Responsabilities :

- Creating a benchmarking evaluation dataset for assessing the capabilities of Language Models in generating RTL and chip codes.
- The rest of my work is to be determined.

DL Research Intern, TotalEnergies DATALAB, France

May 2023 — September 2023

TotalEnergies is one of the largest global energy companies. I joined the DATALAB team, the Research and Development center responsible for managing the company's geoscience data. During my time here, I focused on developing a multimodeal Neural Search Engine solution using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and explored the capabilities of Language Models for Named Entity Recognition (NER), comparing them to the BERT model.

Responsabilities :

- Implemented and benchmarked the state-of-the-art LLM fine-tuning methods like LoRA, QLoRa, FSDP, etc.
- Proposed an advanced RAG pipeline with pre- and post-retrievals using PGVector, a sentence-transformers model, and Llama2.
- Worked on improving the semantic representation by fine-tuning the embedding model on geoscience data.
- Worked on optimizing inference time with quantization techniques and CUDA programming.
- Implemented and compared multiple strategies of Partial Parameter Fine-tuning for NER tasks on geoscience data.

Software Engineering Intern, Thales AVS, France

June 2022 — August 2022

Thales is a global technology leader for the Aerospace, Transport, Defense and Security markets. I was in Thales AVS which is in the aeronautics sector.

Responsabilities :

- Worked on a Mirage 2000-C aircraft simulator where I integrated hardware training devices.
- Added a remote control feature to the simulator to perform real-time data acquisition in Lua.
- Debugged and fixed issues in the simulator software environment.